* Starts to lower blood sugar within 20 minutes after starting a meal.

Acts fast on blood sugar, so you can get back to what matters*

Matthew, 19

University student

Matthew, 19

University student

Matthew started rapid-acting insulin 8 years ago, but he recently switched to Fiasp®. He takes comfort in knowing that he can take Fiasp® up to 20 minutes after starting a meal. Fast-acting Fiasp® lets Matthew get back to what matters most.


Watch Matthew's story

If dose timing is important to you, talk to your healthcare team and ask if Fiasp® is right for you!

Eve, 17 

High school student

Eve, 17

High school student

Eve started rapid-acting insulin 7 years ago, but recently switched to Fiasp®. Her favourite feature—how fast it starts working. Fast-acting Fiasp® lets Eve get back to what matters most.


Watch Eve's story

If fast action is important to you, talk to your healthcare team and ask if Fiasp® is right for you!

Fiasp® dosing methods

Available in 10 mL vials for use in pumps and with syringes.

Available in 3 mL Penfill® cartridges for reusable devices such as the NovoPen® 4.

Available in the preferred FlexTouch® pen.

Fiasp® dosing methods

Share your mealtime insulin experience with your healthcare team!

Things to consider:

When you take your dose

Is it easy for you to remember to take your mealtime insulin before you start eating? 

Do you find that the amount of insulin you take meets your needs, or do you often need to take a second dose?

How you feel about your insulin

Are you able to achieve your target sugar levels? 

Do you experience a spike in your sugar levels after meals, even after taking your mealtime insulin?

Do you feel different (e.g., tired, drowsy, weak, headache, etc.) after taking your mealtime insulin?

Why you want to talk about Fiasp®

Any reasons why you may be interested in Fiasp®?

Need a reminder?

Email these questions to yourself for your next appointment.


Fiasp® is a fast-acting
mealtime insulin


Fiasp® offers the flexibility of mealtime
and post-meal dosing options

Take at mealtime (up to 2 minutes
before the start of a meal). 

When necessary, Fiasp® may be taken up
to 20 minutes after starting a meal.

Fiasp® starts to lower blood sugar within
20 minutes
after starting a meal.


The maximum effect of Fiasp® occurs 1–3 hours after administration and lasts 3–5 hours.



Fiasp® dosing considerations

Together with your healthcare team, you will decide:


How much Fiasp® you will need at each meal.


When to measure your blood sugar levels and if you will need to adjust your dose based on the results.



Ask your healthcare team today is Fiasp® is right for you!

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